Written by Jayden Clay - Director & Head Coach

Your Athlete Hub was formed in 2020 to enable athletes to thrive in their sporting endeavours. Since then, we have positively influenced over 100 + athletes & general clients. Our journey thus far has provided us with the opportunity to work a host of multi-sport athletes. However, we have seen a massive interest generated by the cricketing community.

It’s been delightful to see athletes as young as 9 & 10 years of age thrive within our programs. It’s at this age where truely great habits can be made and engrained. Outside of our work with young athletes, we have seen a large interested generated by older athletes that are into their 50s!

Its our belief that by adhering to and applying the correct athletic training and S&C principles that anyone, regardless of age, everyone can and will thrive. Here at YAH, we want to provide a service that brings together a community of people that want to better themselves and others. Ultimately that’s our definition of #THRIVING. Anyone can do it, and we are here to help you to do it!

As a team, we all have different reason’s behind why we do what we do. Check out our team by clicking on the link below.